Thursday 24 November 2011

Don't discriminate against short people!

Shorty! Little girl! Small boy!

Have you ever used these words on people before?
Or have you been called these names before?

If u have called someone short before, I urge YOU to stop this discrimination. 

Short people are equally as capable of doing things that tall people can. They can drive a car, play sports and do household chores.

 -Put yourself into the shoes of the short people; would you like people to laugh and make fun of you just because you are short?

- If your family members or relatives are short, how would you feel when other people discriminate against them?

This blog goes out to people who are prejudiced against short people and i hope that you will be able to change your attitudes towards them. Stop saying that they are short and accept them for who they are. You won't like it if people call you short right?

There will always be people who are taller than you.
You can laugh at someone for being short today, but someone will laugh at you for being short tomorrow.

There are about 7 billion people in this world and everyone is different but unique in their own ways. So why not stop discrimating the short people, learn to accept them and you might see them in a different light.

Be it short or tall, we all have our own purposes and functions in life.
We are all part of a team, part of the world

And to those who have been called shorty, little girl, or small boy,bear in mind that height does not determine everything. You don't have to be tall enough to dunk a basketball. as long as you are able to dunk your dreams.